Taiwan time processing volume representation: In the factory for the same type of grinding machine of the same specification, as long as their ore feeding size, grinding products have the same fineness, they can use the processing time to evaluate their working quality. The throughput is the number of raw ore processed per mill per hour, in tons per station per hour.
The coefficient representation is used: the quantity of raw ore processed per hour in the effective volume of the mill, in units of tons per meter. Calculation formula: grinding machine utilization coefficient = station processing capacity / effective volume. For example, a 2700×2100 mm ball mill with a throughput of 30 tons/set·time and an effective volume of 10.4 m3, its utilization factor is:
q=130÷10.4≈2.88 tons/m3·h
In order to accurately determine the productivity of the mill, in scientific research and design, it is often expressed in terms of the calculated particle size (usually -0.074 mm) generated per unit time of the effective volume of the ball mill unit, which is often said to be newly generated. Calculate the productivity of the level. Calculated as follows:
Q-200 mesh = [Q(b2-b1)] / V ton / m 3 · hour
Where: q-200 mesh - the unit volume productivity of the mill calculated according to the newly generated -200 mesh size. t/m3·hour
B2—The product of the grinding machine (divided into classifier overflow during closed-circuit grinding and mine-discharging during open-circuit grinding)-200 mesh size. %
B1—the content of the 200-grain size in the ore of the mill. %
Q—The original ore supply of the grinding machine. Tons/hour
V—The effective volume of the mill. Meter 3
Such calculation methods are generally not commonly used in production, and the first two representation methods are commonly used.
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